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Leprosy Focus – January 2024


  • Topic: Leprosy – Challenges and Progress in East, Central, and Southern Africa
  • Organizer: The East, Central, and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC)
  • Date & Time: Thursday, 25th January 2024, 14:00 CAT/ 15:00 EAT
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Theme: “Ending Stigma, Embracing Dignity”
  • Platform: Virtual (Zoom)


The ECSA-HC virtual regional collaborative platform is dedicated to knowledge sharing, best practices, and strategic direction in managing drug-resistant TB. In alignment with the upcoming World Leprosy Day, this month’s webinar will focus on Leprosy (Hansen’s disease), a neglected tropical disease of significant public health concern in Africa and Southeast Asia.


  • To reflect on regional progress and response to Leprosy against regional and global targets.
  • To enhance regional response towards zero infection, zero disability, and elimination of stigma and discrimination related to Leprosy.

Webinar Format

  • Data presentations from Southern African countries.
  • Expert panel discussions.
  • Question-and-answer session.

Invited Speakers and Topics

  1. Dr. Francisco Guilengue
    • Position: Head of Leprosy Control Program, Mozambique
    • Topic: Leprosy Trends in Mozambique
  2. Mr. Emmanuel Tembo
    • Position: Member, TB and Leprosy Control Program, Zambia
    • Topic: Leprosy Trends in Zambia
  3. Dr. Liesbeth Mieras / Dr. Anne Schoenmakers
    • Position: Coordinator Research and Advocacy, Netherlands Leprosy Relief
    • Topic: Advocacy and Research Initiatives by Netherlands Leprosy Relief
  4. Prof. Yasuhiku Suzuki
    • Position: Director, Hokkaido University Research Center for Zoonosis Control
    • Topic: Findings on Leprosy Trends from Research in Southern Africa

Reflection Session

  • TBAA Reflection on World Leprosy Day Theme
    • Focus on strategies to reduce stigma and promote dignity in Leprosy care.

Join this insightful webinar to learn and contribute to the conversation on Leprosy management and eradication efforts in the region.

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