Press Release: Launch of the HEPRR Programme for East and Southern Africa Date: May 11,…
Strengthening pandemic preparedness in the Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Health Community project launch

The East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Republic of Mozambique will host the launch of the Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness in the Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (SPP) project. The event will take place on the 11th March 2022 in Maputo, Mozambique, at the Avenida Hotel.
Sub-Saharan Africa has suffered many epidemics that have caused large-scale morbidity, disability, mortality, and economic loss among the citizens. Some of the outbreaks have crossed international boundaries. Despite the many interventions accomplished, the threat of acute health risks continues, and is made worse by the emerging infectious diseases (EIDs). The current COVID-19 pandemic and the West Africa Ebola outbreak of 2013-2016 are examples of acute health events that have easily crossed borders impacting economic and health programs in the region and needing multi-pronged interventions jointly implemented by neighboring countries as is provided for in the International Health Regulations. Therefore, initiatives to strengthen regional disease control measures should be bolstered.
ECSA-HC supports countries in the region to strengthen their health systems to develop resilience to current and future acute health events and risks. The SPP project is a joint regional initiative funded by the World Bank with the target of improving epidemic preparedness in the project countries of Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia.
The project launch will be preceded by a joint planning meeting and prioritization of the approved activities It will bring together senior officials of the ministries responsible for health and multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral technical teams from the participating countries and representatives from key health partners including the World Bank, Africa Centre for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.
For more details about the SPP launch in Mozambique, please contact the Project Coordinator, Dr Martin Matu via email:, or telephone +254 721374830.
Media Focal Points:
Mr Justin Mahimbo
Communications &Advocacy Officer
East Central & Southern Africa Health Community
Mob: +255 745 200 874