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Member States

Since 1974, the East, Central, and Southern Africa (ECSA) Health Community has worked to improve health across its Member States through cooperation and shared initiatives. The Health Ministers’ Conference, the highest decision-making body of ECSA, meets every year to address important health issues and guide the community’s efforts. Over the years, these conferences have resulted in many resolutions aimed at tackling health challenges like maternal health, HIV/AIDS, and strengthening health systems. Below, you’ll find a full list of these resolutions, highlighting the key actions and commitments made to improve health in the region.


Resolutions of the 73rd HMC Download
Resolutions-of-The-Health-Ministers-Conferences-1974-2024 Download
Resolutions of The Health Ministers Conferences 1974-2023 Download
Resolutions of the 71st HMC – February 2023 Download
Resolutions of The Health Ministers’ Conferences 1974 – 2018 Download
Resolutions of 62nd HMC December 2015 Download
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